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Researchers at the University of British Columbia have published a paper claiming that it is as important for cows to have a brush as it is to have access to fresh food. Professor Marina Von...
A combine harvester is a versatile machine which has been used to harvest a variety of grain crops in an efficient manner. The name of this marvellous machine has been derived from the 4 different...
Pig rearing is a profitable business, because in a short time they can gain a significant mass, which will be enough to sell for lard and meat. Pigs are quick to mature. In this article, we will...
Advanced Technology Used In Farming Tomorrow – The Best Advice
Farming technology has changed dramatically in recent decades. Data has played a big part in this transformation - giving farmers a holistic view of their business that allows them to work faster,...
Exciting Technologies Changing Your Farming – The Best Advice
Technology has, without a doubt, changed farming. Better insight data, real-time monitoring, GPS-guided drones, web-based production, and planning tools are just a few examples of how farmers are...
Sheepdogs Protecting Your Livestock Against Wolves – The Best Advice
Sheepdogs have historically been used with the raising of sheep to guide them and round them up. But the right dog can actually deter predators from killing your grazing livestock. There have...